The application we propose is a resource for everyone. We are committed to a product that is useful, especially in full respect of sustainability, the environment and people. All this was the result of sleepless nights, entire days dedicated to the development of this application without any pretense, with a team of people motivated with a passion for computer science. Everything has been designed to provide you with a useful product, especially free and without advertising. None of us will earn a penny from this application, even in the transactions between you users. Our only goal remains to do something useful for the environment and for the people who live there. So, you can use this application for free and let it be known to those interested. We are available to help you in the configuration and use of the application (obviously without any immediate obligation on our part and in respect of the free time that we dedicate to the maintenance of this system). Fill out the form and we will be happy to answer you.
Every suggestion is appreciated if it helps to grow. Thanks for your interest !